Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Kool Websites

The Ready Store http://www.thereadystore.com/

ULTIMATE Year Supply of Food Storage - #10 CANS.
Price: $3,199.95
Save: $1,697.11 (35%)
Item Usually Ships in 2-5 Business Days

100% COMPLETE year's worth of delicious food. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, vegetables, fruits, snacks, and drinks for 365 days

Up to 30 Year Shelf-Life | No Cooking Required | Great Value & Selection

• Make Food Storage Convenient

These 156 #10 cans are shipped in 9 large boxes that contain 26 easy to store cases that can be stacked in a myriad of configurations (see image to the left for examples) specific to your storage space.

• Save Space with Our Supply Kits

Our cans are filled higher to the brim than the competition allowing us to reach your food needs with fewer cans. Fewer cans means less space is needed to store your year supply of food!

• Gourmet Food and Quality

Real food taste and texture, never oily or chewy along and of course with great flavor. Just thirty four calories short of 2,000 calories worth per day for a year.

• Don’t Waste Precious Time

No cooking or time consuming preparation—just add hot water! Other companies supply kits require much more fuel and time.

• Highest Quality Food Available

High quality ingredients from reputable sources. We don't cut corners period. We stand behind our motto of if it isn't good enough for our families it isn't good enough for our customers.

• Enjoy Peace of Mind

With a long shelf life, a variety of great tasting food, and easy to prepare meals you can rest assured that you will be ready when you need it and you will actually enjoy eating it. You won't be choking down your food when you get one of our food storage supplies.

If you’re going to prepare for an emergency, you might as well do it right. And there is no better way to stock up on your food storage than by ordering The Ready Store's Ultimate Year Supply of Food. This product has every essential that you will need to fulfill all your nutrition needs during a disaster. If you want a 100% complete year's worth of gourmet-tasting foods, then you’re going to want the full 3 meals per day as well as the vegetables, fruits, breakfast foods, snacks, and drinks this package has to offer!

Not only does this food storage kit have a great variety of main course entrĂ©es, but this Ultimate Year Supply assembles the best food technology can make. This means that you won’t have to waste time cooking when you could be doing more important things during a disaster. Freeze-dried foods also mean that your food storage will remain fresh up to 30 years, giving you peace of mind and real, tangible security. Our most popular year-supply packages which you and your family can enjoy, knowing that you are ready for whatever life might throw at you.

Saratoga Farms™ and Mountain House™ freeze-dried foods are second to none in terms of quality and taste. Freeze-Dried foods offer many advantages over dehydrated foods. To begin with they taste significantly better because through the freeze-drying process the foods retain their taste, texture, and shape of fresh frozen foods. In addition, freeze-drying locks in the freshness, vitamins, nutrients, color, and aroma of fresh frozen foods while providing the shelf-stable convenience of canned and dehydrated foods.

All the contents of our Saratoga Farms™ and Mountain House™ food storage units are delicious survival foods with up to a 30 YEAR SHELF LIFE. Other companies will sell a year supply and add additional cans of dehydrated food or other items with high sugar content, inferior quality and a significantly shorter shelf life to increase the number of cans and calories. Those additional cans of dehydrated food add bulk, lack the quality, shelf-life, and nutritional value that freeze-dried food provides you. The cans of sugary items only provide calories and not the important nutrients that your body needs. This food reserve is nutritionally balanced with over 100% of your daily nutritional needs.

At The Ready Store, we always focus on the QUALITY of our products first, rather than quantity because we want you to get the best value for your hard-earned money.

Breakfast (18 Cans | 485 Servings):
2 Cans Scrambled Eggs
2 Cans Scrambled Eggs & Sausage Crumbles
3 Cans Granola with Blueberries & Milk
1 Can Strawberry Flavored Fortified Instant Breakfast
1 Can Chocolate Flavored Fortified Instant Breakfast
3 Cans Apple Cinnamon Granola
3 Cans Maple & Brown Sugar Creamy Wheat Cereal
3 Cans Peaches & Cream Oatmeal

Lunch & Dinner Entrees (48 Cans | 788 Servings):
2 Cans Beef Stew
2 Cans Chicken A La King
2 Cans Noodles & Chicken
2 Cans Chicken Teriyaki
2 Cans Long Grain & Wild Rice Pilaf
3 Cans Rice & Chicken
3 Cans Beef Stroganoff
2 Cans Chili Mac with Beef
2 Cans Spaghetti with Meat Sauce
3 Cans Chicken Fettuccine Alfredo
3 Cans Hearty Beef Rotini
2 Cans Bacon Potato Chowder
2 Cans Creamy Tortilla Soup
2 Cans Broccoli Cheddar Soup
3 Cans Lasagna
2 Cans Mountain Man Stew
3 Cans Oriental Sweet & Sour
2 Cans Santa Fe Chili
2 Cans Shanghai Teriyaki
2 Cans Macaroni & Cheese
2 Cans Pasta Primavera
2 Cans Pasta Parmesan

Vegetables (18 Cans | 432 Servings):
6 Cans Super Sweet Corn
6 Cans Garden Green Peas
6 Cans Green Beans

Fruit (12 Cans | 248 Servings):
2 Cans Diced Cinnamon Apples
2 Cans Strawberry Slices
2 Cans Banana Slices
2 Cans Diced Peaches
2 Cans Mango Chunks
2 Cans Diced Apples

Sides (6 Cans | 144 Servings):
6 Cans Instant White Rice

Snacks (24 Cans | 1,680 Servings):
24 Cans Pilot Crackers

Drinks (30 Cans | 2,358 Servings):
6 Cans Instant Milk
6 Cans Instant Orange Drink Mix
12 Cans Instant Apple Drink Mix
6 Cans Instant Premium Hot Cocoa Mix

Occasionally Items may be substituted with similar items of equal or greater value due to availability. Calorie and serving count may vary plus or minus 5% depending on substituted items



Who Else Wants To Grow Thier Own Food?

Let Marjory Wildcraft, a nationally recognized expert in backyard food production, show you exctly how she grows nutritious, healthy, delicous food.

She'll show you step-by-step how to grow food on a part time basis, with little money, and no previous agricultural experience.

Why not get the skills and resources so you can become independant of the whole crazy system? Why not become free of the weekly grind at the supermarket?

Imagine this:

You are sitting at the dining room table just about to eat dinner. You've just popped out the back door and picked some lettuce and other greens to make a quick salad that doesn't even need washing as it was grown in pure rainwater with all organic soil. As you put the bowl on the table you realize with pride that everything in this fresh, delicous, nutritious meal was grown by you and your family.

Your thanks and gratitude are heartfelt. You glance out the back door and a feel a deep sense of security knowing the whole yard is filled with edible, useful, or medicinal plants and animals. In your kitchen, stuffed into every cupboard, are jars of fruit, vegetables, and meat you've canned and stored away.

Your body is growing stronger and healtthier from working in the fresh air, and the higher nutrition you are getting from the food you eat. You see a spark in your kids eyes that seem to be missing in other children who only eat the processed grocery store stuff.

The above scenario is not a fairy tale. It happens regularly at my dinner table at home. Keep reading and I'll show you how I've taught thousands of other people how they can become more food self-reliant.

Hi, I am Marjory Wildcraft and what I am about to reveal to you could change your life forever I've dedicated at least a decade of my life to finding the easiest methods for growing food in a backyard or small farm. I've done a lot of reasearch, but more impoartantly, I've done the dirt time, finding out exactly what mehtods work the best. Most of what I eat, I grow for myself using simple, sustainable, organic methods.

But I didn't start out knowing anything about gardening or handling livestock.

I became worried about the economy, possible pandemics, peak oil, terrorist destruction of key infrastructure, EMP flares, and a host of other issues. I felt unbelievably vulnerable when I realized how dependant I was on huge, corporate agri-business for my food supply, and how fragile that vast system is. I began in earnest to research and implement every kind of food production method I could find. At first I was taking every workshop, reading every book, and visiting all kinds of farmers, homesteaders, survivalists, and gardeners - and then going home and trying it for myself. Initially I had a lot of failures. But I kept at it, and after a while I started producing.

After a while I found myself being the teacher. I offered workshop after workshop teaching hundreds of people how to grow food. We couldn't handle all the people who wanted to come, so I took time off and crafted the video set Food Production Systems for a Backyard or Small Farm.

I put everything I know into that video; including my failures. I've gotten thousands of emails with people telling me how much they appreciated how I show the techniques that didn't work. The Permaculture Activist Magazine, the most highly regarded sustainable living journal in the US says of my work "With high production values, the authenticity of lived experience, a script sharp as nails, and good narration, this film makes a tremendous contribution to the practical literature of permaculture".

Jim Rawles, perhaps the most famous survivalist in the world, gives my work a two thumbs up saying "Excellent".

Carol Ann Sayle has been an organic farmer for over thirty years, Carol has seen it all - managing to make a living from the land through every season. Carol is the owner of Boggy Creek Farms which is Austin's oldest urban farm. She is my hero. I was shocked at a recent visit to Carol when she told me that even she learned new things from my video.

My work is carried and highly regarded by prominent sustainable agriculture stores such as Acres USA, the premier seed and tool company of John Jeavons Bountiful Gardens, and the most highly awarded organic nursery in the US The Natural Gardener.

But you are in Texas and I am living in Minnesota - will this apply to me?

The principles of growing food are universal. Kris Olsen of Milagro Farm told me this about the DVD "if I had to distill everything I've learned in 15 years of bio-dynamic famring, it would be exactly what you've laid out in that 110 minutes of film". Kris also said "it is classic material that is timeless. It contains the essential material any farmer anywhere needs to know".

Of course, not all of the species we show you will work in your area. And yes, you might find that ducks work better for you than geese, or you like certain vegetables better than others. The real power of the video lies is because there is no better demonstration of a complete, integrated, home-scale food production system anywhere. Seeing a well documented example of a fully functioning homestead and how it is all integrated together, will save you years of time in developing your own systems.

This is useful information even in Montana...

Thomas Elpel, one of the most famous practical botonists in the world, lives in Montana. Tom is the author of the well known book 'Botany in a Day" and many other books on self-reliance. Montana is about as different from Texas as you can get, and here is what he says about the differences in climate: "..a professional quality home video, providing an astonishingly detailed overview of self-sufficient skills, from gardening and food forests to rainwater collection, gardening, composting, raising and butchering rabbits and poultry, tanning pelts, drying food and more. Food Production Systems was filmed in Texas and optimized for southern climates, however, northern viewers will also find it highly educational".

Actually we have sold videos all over the world; 30 different countries to date, from Australia, to Canada, Ireland, Singapore, and even to New Zealand. Many folks from all these diverse places send us emails of thanks for putting the material together.

This Is a DVD You Will Watch Over and Over...



NO! "OWNING" A Gun Is NOT Enough!

Or Would You Be Like Dr. Petit In The Gut-Wrenching Story You’re About to Read…
Afraid… Powerless… Helpless

Dr. Petit seemed to have an ideal life.

A prominent doctor with a lovely wife and two young daughters, he lived in your typical suburban town in Connecticut. But his typical life was about to be turned upside down in a way that’s almost too horrific to even share with you.

But I’m telling you anyway – because you need to know what you’re up against:

CHESHIRE, Conn., July 25, 2007 (CBS/AP) The two men accused of a brutal Connecticut home invasion may not have had violent crimes in their long lists of prior convictions, but sources tell local newspapers the pair's record changed when they invaded the home of a prominent doctor early Monday morning.

Joshua Komisarjevsky, 26, of Cheshire, and Steven Hayes, 44, of Winsted, were arraigned Tuesday on charges of assault, sexual assault, kidnapping, burglary, robbery, arson, larceny and risk of injury to children. More charges are pending, state police said Tuesday night. The two men could face the death penalty.

The state medical examiner confirmed that Jennifer Hawke-Petit, 48, was strangled and that her daughters, 17-year-old Hayley and 11-year-old Michaela, died of smoke inhalation. The deaths were ruled homicides.

The girls' father, Dr. William Petit Jr., a prominent endocrinologist, remained hospitalized with head injuries.

All three women were raped, sources familiar with the investigation told both the Waterbury Republican-American and Hartford Courant. Petit was beaten with a baseball bat, thrown down the basement stairs, and then tied up in the cellar.

The girls, sources told the Courant, were tied to their beds and raped repeatedly, then left to burn after gasoline was poured around their beds and ignited.

The suspects entered the Petits' Cheshire home at about 3 a.m. Monday, planning to burglarize it, state police said.

Sources familiar with the investigation tell the Republican-American that Hawke-Petit and Michaela were followed home from a supermarket Sunday by the suspects. The men then went to a Wal-Mart to buy an air rifle and a rope, and then waited about a mile-and-a-half away [before forcibly entering the home and brutalizing the family for 6 hours].

"I'm thinking of the father. I can't imagine what he has to come back to," neighbor Linda Layman told CBS News. "Nobody should have to go through that. It's very devastating. It's just horrible."

Ok, so now you're probably saying...

"C'mon...isn't this home invasion story just some sort of scare tactic?"

You're Damn Right It Is!


I've made "survival" the focus of my entire life.

My name is Jeff Anderson and I'm President of the member-based organization, the International Society of Close Quarter Combatants.

Yeah sure...I have a long resume as a decorated combat veteran of the U.S. military; did my time as an executive protection specialist, Certified Protection Professional (CPP), security consultant and Master CQC Instructor.

But NONE of these are the "role" I'm reaching out to you as today.

Today, I appeal to you as a husband and a father!

My wife and my three kids mean the world to me and their safety is my responsibility just as your responsibility is to protect those you love from harm.

If scaring the hell out of you is what it takes to get you to open your eyes to the fact that violent home invasions are on the rise and they can happen ANYWHERE, then I've done my job.

Problem is, most people that read these words will stick their head in the sand and if that's you, then...

I know at this moment you're probably saying to yourself...

“I'd NEVER let that happen to me and MY family!"

You probably feel like you've got it all figured out, right?

...that you'd "pull out your Glock" and waste any man stupid enough to break through your front door...

...that your dog and your 12-gauge are all you need to keep some psychopath from taking you and your loved ones hostage...

...that "that's what my home alarm system is for"...

...that "the cops will save me"...

...and that no handcuffs, rope, or duct tape in the world could be strong enough to hold you back from coming to the rescue of your family member being brutalized by the sadistic pervert in the next room...

I'm sure that's what Dr. Petit thought...right before he sat beaten and tied up in the basement, listening to
6 hours of blood-curdling screaming as his wife and children were sexually assaulted - pleading for him to help.

Unfortunately guns, alarm systems and "hoping" nothing bad will happen isn't enough to protect you when it comes to the criminal mind you're dealing with in a home invasion...


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All of our courses come with a 30 Day, 100% Money Back Guarantee. If you're not absolutely thrilled with your new ability to learn a language and speak comfortably, simply return your course within 30 days for a full refund.

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